Friday, January 3, 2025


Mexico News Daily accepts pitches and submissions (800-1100 words) from freelancers covering topics related to travel, culture, history and the arts in Mexico. We are also interested in personal experiences of foreigners living and/or working in Mexico. Stories should be informative, well-researched, thought-provoking and should deepen the reader’s perspective on the country. If you are writing about a well-known tourist destination or cultural tradition, your story should provide some fresh perspective or new angle on the subject. Pitches for visual features and interviews are also welcome.

MND is the premier source for English-language news about Mexico. We have 1 million monthly views on our website and a robust mailing list of over 90,000 subscribers receiving a daily newsletter. We have a small team of staff writers dedicated to news coverage and are looking to expand our travel, lifestyle and culture sections for readers who want to be savvy and well-informed about the diversity and richness of Mexico.

To pitch, send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Freelance Pitch: working headline of article” and include a brief description of your story that tells us how you will structure it, why you think readers will care and how much time will be required to complete, as well as samples of or links to previous work.

If you would like to submit a completed story, please send an email to the above address with “Freelance Submission: working headline of article” in the subject line and include brief info on your experience and samples of previous work.

We look forward to hearing from you!