Friday, January 3, 2025
HomeMexico Living


Mexican woman dressed as a Catrina and in white skeletal makeup holding Mexican marigolds

Mark your calendar: Here are all the 2025 Mexican public holidays

Here's a rundown of Mexico's official 2025 holidays, including bank holidays and two new days off being considered by Congress.
A tiendita in Mexico

Best of 2024: Life in Mexico according to Sarah DeVries

It’s never easy trying to explain the myriad differences between life in the United States and life in Mexico — but Sarah DeVries sure tries. 
A Christmas gift under a tree

Why didn’t I get presents from my Mexican friends for Christmas?

Christmas Day has come and gone — so why didn't people seem to celebrate the same way?
Alan Chazarro and his family

My American Dream is in Mexico: Alan

Disaffected with the direction of the U.S., a Bay Area poet moved himself and his family to start a new life in Veracruz.

Mexican slang 101: How to talk turkey like a native speaker

All the varo-related Mexican slang you could ever and how to use it.
A red box full of Mexican pesos, representing thee holiday aguinaldo bonus

‘Tis the season of aguinaldos: What to know about the annual holiday bonus

Come December, most Mexicans look forward to receiving one gift in particular: the Jolly Old Aguinaldo.
Tamanna Bembenek moving to Mexico podcast.

MND Perspectives: What I learned moving to Mexico

Our subscriber-exclusive podcast takes a look at the lessons that Tamanna Bembenek learned about herself when she moved to Mexico.
A dry water reservoir in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México

Restoring water to San Miguel de Allende, one reservoir at a time

As the best small city in the world faces down catastrophic water shortages, one group has banded together to make a difference.
People socializing

Here’s how to get Mexicans to hang out with you

Need some local friends? Here's how to find them.
Two expats in San Miguel de Allende asking if the term expat is offensive.

What’s in a Name? Unpacking the terms expat, immigrant, and migrant

No, it's not just for snowflakes — there's a lot of hidden meaning behind the words we use to describe ourselves.
a happy child

MND Perspectives: Rediscovering childlike wonder in Mexico

Moving to Mexico is an invitation to reconnect with your inner child, Tamanna Bembenek explains on our subscriber-exclusive podcast.
Karla Parra in Mexico

My American Dream is in Mexico: Karla

What happens when you have the American Dream in the United States, but it doesn't feel like enough? You move to Mexico and live it there, instead.
An expat renting a house while living in Mexico

Everything I wish I knew about going expat in Mexico

When you finally settle into your new life, you'll realize it was all worth it. You've got this - if you follow these golden rules.
Migrants of different nationalities demanded that the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR) respect the dates of the appointments

How to stand in line (or how not to) in Mexico — a comprehensive guide for foreigners

There's more to waiting in line in Mexico than you might think - here's the secret to success.
Panoramic view of a beach in Los Cabos, Baja California Sur.

What’s on in December in Los Cabos?

Everything's big this month in Los Cabos: big stars at the Los Cabos International Film Festival, big year-end parties and big whale sharks here for the winter.
Mexican Thanksgiving

Mexico and Thanksgiving: There’s plenty to this story

The Thanksgiving horn of plenty is in many ways the perfect metaphor for Mexico, argues Greg Custer.