Comments on: Why is MND going ad-free? A perspective from our CEO Mexico's English-language news Thu, 26 Dec 2024 03:51:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 03:51:56 +0000 感谢您做出的这个决定,我也因此选择订阅了。

By: Scott Timm Wed, 25 Dec 2024 15:36:00 +0000 In reply to

Couldn’t agree more…thanks for the decision to remove the annoying ads. I, too, have clicked on them in error, and I appreciate your focus on building a quality product. You can count on my subscription for years to come.

By: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 19:01:01 +0000 I announced this on the Rosarito Living Facebook group, which has about 74k members.

By: Jim Novak Sun, 22 Dec 2024 16:38:55 +0000 To: Travis and Tamanna Benbenek

I believe I have been a subscriber for about 4 years. I noted the fewer ads and appreciate no ads which irritate me with twinkles or flashing. My first fee was 585 pesos or about $30 USA; my renewal will be just short of $70 USA. The last year increase is substantial; the quality of the news is also substantial.

I started a small business in Wisconsin in which one of the initial decisions was whether to charge a monthly fee($250 per month to save $3000 per month) or to take a percentage/commission of each sales from manufacturers, their brokers and distributors. I made the choice to do the hard,difficult sell -to charge clients a fixed $250 per month , but to give them complete loyalty, no lies, no money under the table, not increasing invoice costs to clients, thus giving myself higher commissions. What a good decision it turned out to be.This business of over 1000 clients has integrity to the clients, and obtained rebates not only has made our company profitable, but its services are now virtually free and even profitability for most clients.

I barely trust the press/media because of who owns them(billionaires) and because of the source of their income. I became well off without selling my soul , since those who give you your revenue really own you. My clients are far better off that I am indebted to them rather than the other sources of income. MND clients are more likely to read the” truth” small “t” from your business model without advertisements than from the more expensive annual fee from your readers. I have stopped listening/reading CNN and PBS , supposedly clean sources of news because they turned the elections to Trump by asking the wrong questions, by making their coverage a “horse race” coverage versus coverage of the character of Trump, his values, his personal and political views, veracity, criminal record, assaults , words, lies, etc. These media sold hours of programs and $ from advertisers, rather than a focus on their clients, the American public. They lost their moral compass.

I add the following to this comment to you the owners. If you want to improve the credibility and print facts and small (t)ruth change the following. You already do two of these which is every article is signed and no advertisement.

I suggest every article has an email address to the writer. I have ten years of university education and 4 degrees, bright enough, and I get corrected frequently by friends and press which catch me with not quite the full “small t” truth. While this comments section might help, it would be better if there was a dynamic interchange between writer and reader. The first amendment is heavily weighted toward those who own the press! Who has freedom of the press, well its the owners who have freedom of the press. This policy of being able to send information directly to writers is one in which they can mature in their thoughts and understanding of topics written. The first amendment is a two way street. We live in a world where there are a lots of smart people (who are your readers). What I am suggestion is a little like the process Wikipedia uses to correct itself and aim for the god of Truth with a capital “T” Writers need to grow in the maturity of thought, in more presented facts, even while they are expanding the vision of readers. I am suggesting a little like Alexa and smart TV’s, they talk to each other.

By: Peter Moulton Sun, 22 Dec 2024 15:14:52 +0000 I love your paper and read your articles everyday. Keep up the great reporting!

By: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 14:57:11 +0000 Thank you for making this decision, you’ve made a loyal customer for years because of this. While scrolling and reading an article, sometimes I would end up clicking on an ad by accident – grrr! I really appreciate having well written English news complimented by cultural Mexican tips, for the new country I call home. Gracias!

By: Karen Sun, 22 Dec 2024 14:39:18 +0000 Hurray for your commitment to your readers and we appreciate it. Also, the quality of the publication has increased a lot since you guys took over. But I do remember well how annoyed I was when you first took over because previously, as a subscriber, Idid not get any ads and when ownership changed hands now I did!!! But I hung in there and I’m glad I did given the improvements. I do think your article would have been a little more honest though had you mentioned this little detail.

By: Claude Choquette Sun, 22 Dec 2024 12:53:21 +0000 Unfortunately, there aren’t enough enterprisers who have your sense of commitment to take on this approach for their customers. Congratulations and please do keep it up. FELIZ NAVIDAD!

By: Darrell Jacobsen Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:18:01 +0000 I’m also the admin for a Mexico whatsapp chat group with a couple hundred members. I regularly post MND articles in that chat group and encourage subscribing, and several have. The mix of news and articles on MND is great and I hope to be a paid subscriber for a long time!

By: Darrell Jacobsen Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:05:34 +0000 I’m a paid subscriber and a part time resident of Mexico. I open MND pretty much every day and learn a lot about Mexico through it. I’m also not very price sensitive, so if paid subscriptions is the only source of revenue I understand that the price might need to go up, and perhaps way up. OK for me. The only thing that would make me cancel is leftism seeping into the articles, including victim mentality. In fact I’d rather have ads than a leftist bias. I actually don’t remember seeing ads but a few lefty articles have been a big turn off.
