Comments on: How accurate were my predictions for Mexico in 2024? A perspective from our CEO Mexico's English-language news Thu, 02 Jan 2025 17:36:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Novak Wed, 01 Jan 2025 15:08:39 +0000 In reply to Curt.

Good insight!. And they will be filled with MEXICANS just like in Guad., buying high spec products at modest prices. Mexicans are buying for their businesses and homes.

By: Robert Burns Tue, 31 Dec 2024 23:32:48 +0000 In reply to Julie K Danielson.

I agree and respect your expertise. I suspect that a lot of Mexicans want to sell while the demand from foreigners is high.

By: Robert Burns Tue, 31 Dec 2024 23:29:19 +0000 In reply to jim.

I wholeheartedly sgree.

By: Eduardo Shoaff Tue, 31 Dec 2024 22:59:19 +0000 In reply to DarrellJ.

I agree, hard data for real estate is hard to come by in Mexico. I only know what our clients and friends are doing here in CDMX. They don’t share the author’s optimism, they have, or are working on an exit strategy.

By: Curt Tue, 31 Dec 2024 20:11:06 +0000 We will know there is economic progress when COSTCO OPENS a location in Guerrero!!!!!!

By: Julie K Danielson Tue, 31 Dec 2024 18:47:51 +0000 Thank you for sharing your predictions Travis and revisiting those predictions. I enjoy reading and learning from Mexico News Daily. Your team does an outstanding job.

I can’t speak to mainland Mexio in regards to the real estate market. However, in the state of Baja California there is alot of new construction going on along the Tijuana Ensenada toll road from Playas de Tijuana south to Ensenada as well as in Ensenada. The area I live in just titled 180 new lots. Tijuana is in the process of building a new highway deck above the current highway adjacent to the border. Also, Tijuana is building an intercity freeway. There is an Ensenada Expats facebook page that illustrates the amount of people inquiring or moving to the area. Many of the people are from the US (lots from California, Arizona and Texas) as well as other countries.

In reference to the market area’s Lomas, Sante Fe, Polanco and surrounding areas; it is my opinion that any time you reference young people going to college that tells me the neighborhoods residents are aging.
With the ageing process in neighborhoods comes downsizing of properties, changing neighborhood environments (like traffic) unfortunate deaths and financial issues (etc). So, I am not sure without doing an in depth study why you see all the selling signs. This opinion is based on 30+ years of selling real estate.

By: Jorge of the castle Sun, 29 Dec 2024 19:03:03 +0000 Thank you Travis for your rational and objective study of your original predictions for 2024. The journalism of your newsletter, Mexico News Daily, is exemplary. More media should follow your lead.

By: DarrellJ Sun, 29 Dec 2024 14:36:54 +0000 Very true Jim, and I am not saying that there isn’t a problem, but the cartel activity and corruption is limited and/or regional. For example, I have a Mexican friend who has run three retail outlets in Vallarta for 20+ years. Not once has he been robbed, broken into, held up or asked for protection money from anyone (I was surprised.) For comparison, I own commercial space in Montreal and have been broken into three times in that same 20 years. That same Vallarta guy’s family also owns a farm in Jalisco and they have never been shaken down for anything by anyone and same for another friend of mine whose family farm onions in, I think it’s Michoacan.

By: jim Sun, 29 Dec 2024 12:34:12 +0000 Cartels and corrupt law enforcement will continue to demoralize Mexicans. Can’t even start a successful business without getting a demand for protection money. Mexico has much potential but it will never be realized until law and order is established. Nearshoring is a 2 edged sword. Not sure it’s smart to invest so much in productive capacity for American consumption. Better to build a stable Mexican economy for Mexicans.

By: DarrellJ Sun, 29 Dec 2024 09:19:40 +0000 😁]]> In reply to Eduardo Shoaff.

I’d like to see some data on this, though I realize that the Mexico City (all over Mexico I believe) real estate market is inefficient and highly fragmented, so getting listings and sales data over time might be tough. My own anecdotes of Mexican friends is the opposite. One 30-something lived in California for five years, masters at Stanford (STEM, not gender studies—pheww!) but came back to CDMX 3 years ago to work in the family business. The wokeness in the US drove him nuts (and he’s gay, so that wasn’t the issue.) Another went to work in Chicago at the beginning of this year but after 5 or 6 months couldn’t stand it and came back to CDMX. And a third has lived in Montreal for 20 years and is plotting his return to CDMX to get away from the lefty/woke high tax clown show that Canada has become. It’d be good if we had some data on absorption rates over time. That’d make a good article from our MND friends 😉 😁
