Comments on: Best of 2024: Life in Mexico according to Sarah DeVries Mexico's English-language news Fri, 03 Jan 2025 15:38:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dwight Bailey Fri, 03 Jan 2025 15:38:48 +0000 Nice incite. Being a full time legal American resident living north of Ensenada I get to listen to the locals that struggle with the American/Mexican that come around here with their attitudes. The call them Pouchos (sp). And yes I don’t blame the locals as many of these American/Mexicans think I’m Mexican as they cross the border and I can do whatever I want. There is a big difference if you are a Mexican/American then a American/Mexican as you were not raised in Mexico. I was born and raised in Japan by a Japanese Nanny until age 7. I feel a within me a deep culture of old school Japanese even with parents from the US. My first language was Japanese, lived with my nanny on occasions on weekends and even nursed from here.
With that said we are all a melting pot and should accept each other as we are and don’t try and change others and the culture. Respect all and have a good laugh.

By: PATRICK O'HEFFERNAN Tue, 31 Dec 2024 16:25:38 +0000 Thank you Sarah. As usual, your writing and insights are terrific and helpful. Even though I edit a bi-lingual newspaper and work with an all-Mexican staff, who are my la familia Mexicana, some of your characterizations hit home. I will try to be better. But one thing I will not change is my feeling that Mexico is magic- there is no other way to explain how so many things happen here without what gringos call “advanced planning”. I am learning to not worry and just enjoy. I have always said the three essential things one brings to Mexico are Patience, Flexibility and a Sense of Humor. And every day I am here, the Sense of Humor becomes more important

By: SelfcareMaven Tue, 31 Dec 2024 01:53:55 +0000 Always a pleasure to read your insights, Sarah. Muchas gracias! Having been an expat in many countries most of my life, it’s fun to read your take on it here in Mexico.

By: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 01:46:54 +0000 I remembered a Licenciada explaining to me that high-caste Mexicanas don’t shave their legs lest they be mistaken for Indígenas…..I’ve always wondered if that’s true. Happy New Year from Acapulco!
