Comments on: Sheinbaum: ‘We’ll be prepared to welcome’ Mexican deportees — the mañanera recapped Mexico's English-language news Sun, 15 Dec 2024 02:16:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rolando Rodriguez Sun, 15 Dec 2024 02:16:59 +0000 In reply to Alejandro Mendoza.

Immigration to “el norte” is not a new phenomenon.
Even before the United States became a country, there was corruption in the governing bodies on both sides of the national borders deigned by a triumphant United States that deemed the southern nations were still undeveloped thereby not deserving of recognition by the United States as equal nations.
While denying free travel to people south of the border, United States’ citizens and corporations felt free to wander throughout the hemisphere looking to develop their business interests, not just often but always to the benefit of Americans, which politically and racially meant that unless one was born in the United States, one wasn’t an American, but just a Mexican, a Guatemalan, a Venezuelan, a Colombian, or even a Puerto Rican (despite the fact that it was from the “Enchanted Island” that European adventurers set off to explore, conquer and colonize the New World). “Those people” were only good for exploitation of its people and natural resources.
The prime mover behind today’s mass migrations is the poverty that American corporate business investments and exploitation of people and resources of the nations south of the US border has caused and continues abetting. One of the clearest and most strident voices of this sense of superiority that the United States has and continues promoting is that of the convicted felon and sex abuser whom over 50% of their electorate and Senate Electoral College just chose to lead and represent them. That his opponent was not only much better qualified and experienced in governing and legislating than he was trumped by the glaring faults of being a woman, non-white and married to a Jew.
President Sheinbaum understands that the immigration problem is not the people, but the political, social and health threats that people are facing because of the profiteering and pandering of leadership backed and recognized not by a northern neighbor, but rather by a government that has directed and now wants to dictate to the people who live in what their president thinks should be annexed as a state.
BTW, the people of the United States have been feeling the “consequences” not of their southern neighbors’ attempts to survive, but of the “proud Americans” touting of “the land of the free and home of the brave” (for white male “Christians”.)

By: Russell Henson Sat, 07 Dec 2024 15:11:36 +0000 In reply to OPTIMA.

Optima: we’re going to have a lot of jobs available for you and your fellow MAGA brothers!

By: Len Stewart Sat, 07 Dec 2024 04:14:46 +0000 In reply to OPTIMA.

Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for and do not receive food stamps (SNAP). Taxing or discouraging remittances would be a cruel, and pointless thing to do. The huge, vast, amount of remittances are from legal residents working legally and legally entitled to do whatever they want with their wages. Yeah, lets blame them for…well, for something. Doesn’t matter what.

By: CHARLES WEISS Fri, 06 Dec 2024 17:55:13 +0000 In reply to OPTIMA.

I live in Mexico and have talked with many, many people who have worked iligally in the USA. Most worked many years ago with false ID in order to work. They have used false Social Security cards and never were able, of course, to collect it. I have not found the amount of money collected into Social Security that they will not receive, but will be placed in the fund for citizens to collect upon retirement. Also, I have met some who were legal residents who were deported by ICE for past drunk driving convictions. Now imagine this; They lost their home that they paid for, left wife and kids behind, lost their bank accounts and all funds, their cars and more. All when asked have started by saying that they deserved it for their crime. But, what a human tragedy. I am not defending them, but simply adding some human perspective to this issue. As a teenager I worked picking fruit in California with Mexican guests on the Bracero Program which gave them legal permission to work. A new program was negotiated last year to address this but now President Trump scuttled it because he wanted it to be an election year issue. To me, that is the height of cruelty and victimization. No shame, but lots of power as one who is above the law.

By: OPTIMA Fri, 06 Dec 2024 16:44:05 +0000 There are 5.3 million “undocumented Mexican’s living in the U.S. who don’t pay “income taxes”, but who manage because they get “free” assistance, (food stamps, free hospitalization) to send $6.3 billion in remittances back to Mexico every year. If Trump deports the 5.3 million back to Mexico, that’s $ 6.3 BILLION dollars that don’t leave the US Treasury. (straight forward math) Also to help with the deportation process and to discourage 5.3 million “illegals” living in the US Trump is is going to impose a 50% “excise” tax on all “cash” money being “electronic wired transferred back to Mexico. This is going to impact the Mexican economy.
Sheinbaum start planning for these changes coming your way and the flow of 5.3 million coming your way. Save all your stupid comments for other days.

By: Carl Sonntag Fri, 06 Dec 2024 16:37:09 +0000 In reply to Norse Hombre.

Well said.

By: Carl Sonntag Fri, 06 Dec 2024 16:36:21 +0000 In reply to Enrique el profesor.

Nada que ver, amigo

By: Carl Sonntag Fri, 06 Dec 2024 16:35:02 +0000 In reply to CHARLES WEISS.

No, it is all the residents of the US who will reap the whirlwind of the bigotry, racism and stupidity of those who voted for Trump.

By: Louis Renaud Fri, 06 Dec 2024 15:38:14 +0000 In reply to Enrique el profesor.

Oh that’s a stupid comment and has no relation to the problem but on the other hand if he breaks in and offers to help you fix your house what would you say?

By: CHARLES WEISS Fri, 06 Dec 2024 15:22:05 +0000 In reply to Norse Hombre.

Well said. The impact of this scapegoating on the coountry will be profound. Stupid is as stupid does. Transactional thinking is an attractive strategy for a leader in the short term as it looks like a quick fix. Finding a real solution takes time. The solution to this problem last year was rejected by Trump because he wanted it as a campaign issue…he got it…he won. Now he will reap the whirlwind of his near sighted racist actions.
