Comments on: How to stand in line (or how not to) in Mexico — a comprehensive guide for foreigners Mexico's English-language news Tue, 10 Dec 2024 17:02:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Luce Tue, 10 Dec 2024 17:02:18 +0000 Here’s some Spanish that I’ve found useful regarding line survival, both in Spain and in Mexico:
When you arrive at what may or may not be a line, say loudly but in a friendly tone: “¿Quién es la última persona en la fila?” If a person signifies that they are that person, then say in loud and jocular manner: “Gracias. Ahora lo soy.” In some parts of Catalonia, this has become ritualized and all you need say is “¿Quién es la última?” Alternatively, if no one acknowledges being “la última”, I have had some success with asking, “No sería major para todos formar una fila?” I have about a 50% success rate for that ploy.

By: Philip Gillette Sun, 08 Dec 2024 17:22:45 +0000 Anyone have comments about receiving mail from the U.S. or other home country?

By: sosumi Wed, 04 Dec 2024 19:31:32 +0000 This whole issue points up why you really do need to learn Spanish if you are going to live in Mexico. You can only really be polite in the native language where you are.
About the “older women” cutting in front issue, I have always taken that as a sign of respect or help for older people, I thought it was the polite customary thing to do in MX where people take care of their own elders. Now that I’m older myself, I have let my grey hair grow out because I get more respect in that manner – other than my hair I look much younger and people don’t imagine I need a little help sometimes.

By: Robin Miller Wed, 04 Dec 2024 16:18:08 +0000 I like the article and John Gorman’s comment about older women being the worst offenders. About 12 years ago I was moving back to Puerto Peñasco. I had been living in Puerto Vallarta for a couple years. I took the buses. When I had to change to a different bus, I had to leave my luggage and chihuahua in her carrier, outside, and had an attendant watch my items (promise him a good tip to have peace of mind) while I used the restroom and purchase a ticket. My stuff can get stolen but not my doggy. I was obviously next in line for the ticket window. I was approaching the window when this older woman, pretty spry, jumped in front of me to the counter, which she took longer. I told the attendant I would be quick, nope, not with this woman pulling this rude act. I was feeling haggard and didn’t want to deal with it, besides I didn’t know how to say estamos formados (for just me I think it would be estoy formados) but I let it go. Let the old woman win. Now I am at her age, but I would never do that, I still have some class left. lol
I like the idea of getting the counter person’s attention with the eyes, and greeting them, maybe a nice wave. We learn something every day. Where I live, people are generally polite, so I am used to politeness. Thanks Sarah!

By: John gorman Wed, 04 Dec 2024 09:46:36 +0000 In reply to Gringo Chris.

Seems older women are the worst offenders. I used to accept it since I want to be polite. Nada mas!

By: Wed, 04 Dec 2024 00:07:37 +0000 Went into a CFE office in Colima. Probably 30 people jammed in with the number machine broken. We were told that we were after the lady in the brown shirt. She raised her hand to let us know who she was. Easy peezy!

By: Deborah Cole Tue, 03 Dec 2024 23:52:59 +0000 I loved this article. So very true. I love the subtleties of living in Mexico.

By: Gringo Chris Tue, 03 Dec 2024 22:02:15 +0000 Making eye contact with those who join what may or may not be the end of the official line [“official?” Did he just use the “O” word???] and greeting them really helps. What helps most is to be there when no one else is there. The key word is “early”, as in first or second thing in the morning, even if that means waiting outside the locked bank door for five or ten minutes which are a great investment against the hour or so you will be waiting in line a bit later. I guess it is OK to sharpen your elbows and refine your assertiveness, especially at fiestas, but a bit of personal contact and shared awareness works for me.

By: Caguichie Tue, 03 Dec 2024 19:32:16 +0000 So very true. I would add that after all the things you mentioned sometimes you just have to join the hoard and push and shove your way to the front! Thankfully in my experience that is not usually needed! Your story made me recall a day 44 years ago when my wife’s father took us to the local closing of the PRI’s campaign. In those days there was only the PRI but there were hundreds of buses and thousands of people. They had butchered 300 pigs and had big copper pots of carnitas. After all the hot air from the políticos they announced the carnitas were ready. I thought I was going to be trampled to death! Never since have I seen such a mad dash others be damned rush for a paper plate of carnitas, beans and rice! I joined the throng and finally obtained 5 plates for our family! Thank you for the article!

By: Art in America Tue, 03 Dec 2024 16:27:13 +0000 I can see it in Firefox — maybe it’s a browser compatibility issue? (A few weeks ago I was only seeing comments, not the actual articles, in the Chromium browser but now that is working for me too.)
