Comments on: Peso falls to 20.9 to the dollar in its fourth consecutive day of depreciation Mexico's English-language news Thu, 02 Jan 2025 21:09:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: T. Thu, 02 Jan 2025 03:49:20 +0000 In reply to Roger L..

Oh and you really think so? So lets see if 3 million workers from Mexico pick up and immigrate to China and send their remittance back to Mexico. Sure Mexico can sleep with many other countries but the ones that keeps them moving forward is USA and Canada. Check and see what the $$$ is every month for remittance from the USA, then tell us what game is in town. FYI, 2023 68 billion USD were sent from USA to Mexico. That is a lot of Taco’s in any currency.

By: Roger L. Wed, 01 Jan 2025 19:35:18 +0000 In reply to jim.

The peso was 3000:1 when you first visited Mexico? Who cares. That proves very little, if anything. The Mexican economy isn’t what it was back in 1995, or even 2005. Many people just don’t seem to understand that. Nor do they understand the US is no longer the only game in town.

The US empire is in decline and its government is supremely fiscally irresponsible. Horrible, horrible decay, incomptence, stupidity, and obvious corruption.

Mexico is a country on the move, it will find other markets if needed, and the peso’s value against the dollar and other major currencies will stabilize. Where and wheni? Nobody knows the answer to that question. Don’t pretend like you do.

By: OPTIMA Wed, 01 Jan 2025 16:27:15 +0000 This is just the beginning what is in store and coming to Mexico in 2025. All your comments are correct. The entire situation in Mexico is too complicated by many different “factors”. President Sheinbaum has so many problems right now, she doesn’t know what to do or were to start. These “problems ” are coming from all directions, it’s going to be a very bad year for the Mexican people because of the bad “choices” and “decisions” made by Obrador. Can’t blame Sheinbaum for these problems that she inherited from Obrador who turn out to be a complete “idiot”. Obrador managed to “fool” all the majority of the population of Mexico with “promises” that never came “true”. He said he was going to reduce the “poverty”. if elected. Nothing happen in his watch to achieve this goal. People of Mexico “open your eyes” and look back and ask yourself, see, is Mexico better today and the people better “off”, The answer is “NO”, only more new “challenges” and worry about in 2025. That’s the “reality” that is facing all the Mexican people in 2025 including the devaluation of the “peso” that will affect the “daily” lives of all the people.

By: William Mullins Wed, 01 Jan 2025 12:51:50 +0000 You get what you voted for, even with a number of anti-Morena candidates having quit or killed during the election.

By: Bradford Burns Wed, 01 Jan 2025 01:12:50 +0000 In the longer run, Mexico is in a good position to grow her economy and strengthen. The one thing she has within her control is the judicial overhaul. Will she adjust before it happened or fix the problems that occur? I’d like to see it stopped but in all likelihood it will go through, some problems will be fixed and then things will get better. As for tariffs that’s just US embracing fascism and shooting itself in the foot. The more they get things wrong north of the border the more pain for everyone. But Mexico will prevail and look like the fine country with the kind of values to emulate around the workd

By: jim Tue, 31 Dec 2024 20:10:51 +0000 My first trip to Mexico was to Cancun ad the exchange was 3,000 to 1. At some point the zeros were cut off and now the peso is 20.85 to 1. In the long run, the peso will devalue. You can take that to the bank.
