Comments on: Four years and 1,554 kilometers later, the Maya Train is complete Mexico's English-language news Wed, 01 Jan 2025 21:22:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aaron Grusby Wed, 01 Jan 2025 21:22:06 +0000 In reply to

It is a gigantic waste of taxpayer money.

By: Aaron Grusby Wed, 01 Jan 2025 21:20:08 +0000 In reply to NomadAsh Conrad.

Nomad Ash nothing was ever achieved by graft and corruption, bribery and bullying people not to mention ignoring the damage to the environment.

By: Aaron Grusby Wed, 01 Jan 2025 21:10:47 +0000 In reply to Alex Mumm.

Alex, When a government builds a railroad that isn’t easy to get to or use and did a hatchet job on the environment you blame the people who would use it, if it was practical, but it isn’t most of the stations were built way out from the cities and the damage to the environment is only now being looked at.
Vanity projects are just that a waste to time and money. The money could have been used for other batter projects such as the Mexico City airport. Trains in the central highlands where most of Mexico’s population is located. Just, because you like kissing AMLO’s butt doesn’t mean everyone is going to give that socialist fraud a free ride. 500 billion pesos how much of that was stolen by the companies and politicians. Subsidizing transportation is another way of stealing tax money and also giving undeserving people political jobs.
I would say that the Mexican people have taken the bait hook line and sinker and no wonder the education system especially the public education system is a JOKE!! It is easy to pull the wool over the Mexican public’s eyes with such a low level of educational achievement here in Mexico!!

By: Paul Yeatman Mon, 23 Dec 2024 13:33:37 +0000 In reply to alexander pogue.

Yeah, you’re right! Mass transportation in the United States has failed, because it has to be a profitable, which it will never be.
They have to look at mass transportation like Europe does.

By: Paul Yeatman Mon, 23 Dec 2024 13:29:34 +0000 The Maya train may never make money, but I think it remains to be seen if it will be successful in permanently stimulating the economy in the region. Give the Maya train 10 years to better acertain the benefits.
I was listening to Sobernia, The Mexican Political Podcast & they have a positive take on this project. The Maya train may never make money, & it doesn’t have to, as long as it’s a positive benefit to the region.

By: alexander pogue Mon, 23 Dec 2024 02:19:22 +0000 So much negativity from what appears to be a bunch of gringos! What is unbelievable, it coming from a group of people from Mexicos two northern neighbors who have completely failed rail systems! I am not standing up for any politician who has grand aspirations for his country knowing how important great infrastructure projects will eventually cost or how long they will take to complete. This is a great project that will benefit an impoverished part of Mexico that very little population and vast resourcesvery much like when the US and Canada were working themselves across the plains to the coasts. If have ever stood on any of the pyramids in the area and looked out, all you see is miles and miles of green nothing…somewhat like travelling across the great plains, just a different color! One of the reasons, the train lack of infrastructure up north is be cause the car/oil companies collaborated in killing trains at the beginning of the 20th century. Europe has a significantly better transportation as the government’s continually contribute to making it better. I applaud Mexico for moving through all the BS to to complete valuable achievement. Sure, it will take some time to work out all the bugs, but it is quite exciting getting easily to places few have been to. Also, the bitching by gringos about the cost of a ride…really? Though, I enjoy driving around Mexico, I am really looking forward in the next year or so jumping on the train to get to so many places easily. This will bring new opportunities to a large area where few have travelled…who knows what we will find?

By: Gregorio kaufman Sun, 22 Dec 2024 22:17:22 +0000 In reply to Steven.

I’ll be coming to the Yucatán in a few weeks and was hoping to try the train but was surprised to see that the ticket price is based on who you are and of course foreigners are charged much more for the same trip. I’m fine paying a fair price that reflects the cost of the system but don’t try to rip me off just because you think you can. You will make more $ per passenger but get a lot fewer passengers.

By: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:52:25 +0000 Bottom line: If you think you are creating a passenger service, you must make the access points convenient and the destinations desirable. Placing the stations away from the desirable destinations is a death wish for the project.

The Maya train may eventually work as a freight transport system but it will take years before industries build up along the train route, destroying even more of the current environment.
If you want to make the current Maya Train successful as a passenger service, you must provide convenient and inexpensive (free?) transportation to the desired destinations from the distant stations. Taxi service in Mexico is notoriously corrupt. Taxi rates are made up on the spot. Perhaps Uber, Lyft or even a Maya Train Shuttle with easy service and low rates would work to increase passenger ridership. You could even include the fare in the price of a train ticket, so passengers would not feel like they are paying twice for the trip!

By: Mark O'Neill Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:45:05 +0000 In reply to NomadAsh Conrad.

You are right on one point: it is a ‘world class’ waste of public money and will continue to drain the Mexican treasury for decades to come.

By: MND Staff Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:43:18 +0000 In reply to Grant McWilliams.

Hi Grant,

Ridership will almost certainly increase now that the entire railroad is complete and passengers can use the Maya Train to travel up and down the Quintana Roo coast. I wrote as much in the report:

“The government hopes that passenger numbers will increase now that people will be able to use the train to access virtually the entire Caribbean coast of the state of Quintana Roo. … The operation of the Maya Train in a loop around the Yucatán Peninsula could help lure some of them away from the clubs and white sand beaches of Cancún, Playa and Tulum to more traditional tourist destinations and attractions in inland areas of the Yucatán Peninsula.”

With regard to the Maya Train, there are certainly a range of opinions about the project and we have reported extensively on those different views.

I can assure you there is no “nefarious” objective in my reporting or any of the reporting you read on MND. We definitely want Mexico to succeed and hope that the Maya Train brings a lot of benefits to the country’s southeast.

Peter Davies

MND chief staff writer
