Comments on: Federal authorities intercept more than 20 million fentanyl doses in Sinaloa Mexico's English-language news Thu, 05 Dec 2024 06:11:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Novak Thu, 05 Dec 2024 06:11:18 +0000 In reply to Norse Hombre.

Norse Hombre: if what is being done by the current administration in MX would be doubled or tripled , real change could take place. Maybe the Mexican murder rate could drop by 50% with a lots less sorrow in thousands of towns and cities who have lost their loved ones.

By: Norse Hombre Thu, 05 Dec 2024 03:14:10 +0000 In a week and a half, Mexico has confiscated counterfeit Chinese goods, broken up migrant caravans, and now intercepted the largest stash of cartel fentanal to date. These are things AMLO should have been doing as President. Had AMLO done ANYTHING to curb these illegal activities in Mexico, Trump wouldn’t be returning for a 2nd term. President Sheinbaum is impressive in what she is getting done. Regardless of why we are seeing these results now, she’s getting getting things done. Let Trump take credit, it feeds his ego. The reality is Sheinbaum has bested AMLO and is diplomatically going to beat Trump. Congratulations Ms Sheinbaum, viva Mexico!

By: Robert Burns Thu, 05 Dec 2024 01:02:41 +0000 If I were México I’d put an absolute end to cartels “playing army” whether against each other or the State. Massive amounts of toxic chemicals manufactured by wannabe chemists combined with a massive criminal combatant force is an invitation for U.S.A. armed intervention. I’m not a Trumper, and I don’t want son of manifest destiny, but I’m not stupid.
